Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday December 15, 2015

It a weekly topic by The Broke and the Bookish where you discuss the top ten (fill in blank) books that fit the topic.

This week's topic is the top ten books I've Read in 2015. I'm just going to stick with a general topic since I've only read about 35 books this year and I am sure most of those are comics.

1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline- this book was a surprised of how much I loved it. I was taken to the future, but as well as my past with all the 80s references. It was an entertaining book and my favorite that I read this year.

2. Infraction by Annie Oldham- I was so taken by the first book of this series. This book drew me in and made me very excited for discovering this series.

3. Horde by Ann Aquirre- this is the final book of the series and it wrapped it up so nicely.

4. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - I'm not sure what drew me to this book, but I was so glad to have found it. I really enjoyed this book.

5. Hanson's Marathon Method by Luke Humphrey - sadly I did not get to run my first marathon this year due to health issues, but this book is one that really helped show me how much work I will need to put into training.

6. Into The Woods by Tana French - I loved that I got to read a book based in one of my favorite places I've traveled to, Ireland.

7. Lady Mechanica Comics by Joe Benitez- I loved this comic series, it a little of steampunk, meets Lara Croft, meets supernatural.

8.  DC Bombshells Comics by Marguerite Bennet- you take 1940s, pin ups, DC villains and you got me hooked. Such a great series about women during WWII in the DC Universe.

9. Definitely Dead By Charlene Harris- I haven't been reading too much of the Sookie Steakhouse books, but this one has been on my shelf for a while and I am glad to have finally read it.

10. Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen- while this is a very dry book it really helped me see how we are doing a huge disservice to ourselves by not teaching history with the proper facts.

I did it! That was a struggle because I haven't read much this year and decided not to include the two books I am currently reading because I might not finish them before the year is over.


  1. Lies My Teacher Told Me looks interesting - adding that one to my TBR list. My TTT

  2. Great choices. I also read Ready Player One this year and loved it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
