Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday December 15, 2015

It a weekly topic by The Broke and the Bookish where you discuss the top ten (fill in blank) books that fit the topic.

This week's topic is the top ten books I've Read in 2015. I'm just going to stick with a general topic since I've only read about 35 books this year and I am sure most of those are comics.

1. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline- this book was a surprised of how much I loved it. I was taken to the future, but as well as my past with all the 80s references. It was an entertaining book and my favorite that I read this year.

2. Infraction by Annie Oldham- I was so taken by the first book of this series. This book drew me in and made me very excited for discovering this series.

3. Horde by Ann Aquirre- this is the final book of the series and it wrapped it up so nicely.

4. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - I'm not sure what drew me to this book, but I was so glad to have found it. I really enjoyed this book.

5. Hanson's Marathon Method by Luke Humphrey - sadly I did not get to run my first marathon this year due to health issues, but this book is one that really helped show me how much work I will need to put into training.

6. Into The Woods by Tana French - I loved that I got to read a book based in one of my favorite places I've traveled to, Ireland.

7. Lady Mechanica Comics by Joe Benitez- I loved this comic series, it a little of steampunk, meets Lara Croft, meets supernatural.

8.  DC Bombshells Comics by Marguerite Bennet- you take 1940s, pin ups, DC villains and you got me hooked. Such a great series about women during WWII in the DC Universe.

9. Definitely Dead By Charlene Harris- I haven't been reading too much of the Sookie Steakhouse books, but this one has been on my shelf for a while and I am glad to have finally read it.

10. Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Loewen- while this is a very dry book it really helped me see how we are doing a huge disservice to ourselves by not teaching history with the proper facts.

I did it! That was a struggle because I haven't read much this year and decided not to include the two books I am currently reading because I might not finish them before the year is over.

You're Never Weird on the Internet ( Almost) Review

You're Never Weird on the Internet ( Almost) By Felicia Day
Pages: 262
Published: August 11, 2015 By Touchstone
Format: Hardcopy
Genre: Memoir

I actually got to go to my first ever book signing for this book. I was lucky enough to find out about this early on and got to get it signed by Felicia and get my photo taken with her. It was a fun experience.

Synopsis: This is the memoir of Felicia Day. Who is that? Well she's an actress, geek, writer who's appeared on shows like Supernatural, Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long and her own web series called the Guild. Felicia takes you on a journey of her childhood and how it shaped her to the woman she is today. It also shows you how she was able to be able to do what she loves.

Review: This is a quick read that I really wish I read once I gotten it. I just had the itch to read this book and I am glad that I did. It's a quick easy read that is written in Felicia's own voice, meaning I can hear her reading to me as I was reading it. I really enjoyed it and while I do love her work it made me appreciate it even more and kind of reminded me of myself a little.

It's okay if you have never heard of her, but if you are into geek culture like video games, want to do something with that then check this book out. She explains how she made The Guild with practically trash to get it done.

I think any geeky girl would love this. You feel like you're reading something yourself or a friend of your's wrote and can connect to Felicia in so many ways. We both took violin lessons as you girls, while she major in it I stopped by age 10. I was smiling rethinking about my violin teacher Larry, who was from Czechoslovakia  and was so terrified of him because he would bang on the piano and yell, "NO NO NO NO" when I made a mistake.

She also is very open about her battle with depression and anxiety, which I have suffered from both and it felt like we were a kindred spirit knowing that others that I admire and respect have dealt with it too.

My Rating:

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Dance of Dragons Review

A Dance of Dragons by George R. R. Martin  (Book 5 of Song of Fire and Ice)
1125 pages
Published July 12, 2011 by Bantam
GoodReads Link
Read on Kindle reader
Genre: Fantasy
Age group: Adults ( 18+ but possibly more like 20 and up)

Synopsis: (Spoiler Free) This book focuses on character's stories that the 4th book didn't have space to tell. There is still the war over who is the rightful King of Westros, there is conflict at the Wall over the wildings being allowed to join the brotherhood and Daenerys is trying to keep her new people free while also trying to reclaim her family's throne.

Boy is it hard to write that synopsis with how much is going on.

Review: I am till very new to fantasy and still get confused with minor characters on who is who, but overall I enjoyed this book. I still keep reading this series until it ends. I think anyone who enjoys the tv show and fantasy will enjoy this book. This is not a series for children so do not let young ones read or watch the show it's pretty heavy and intense at times.

Here's my issues with this series especially this one and the 4th one. Each chapter is narrated by a different person which is great. The issue I have is that some characters names are changed for the chapter because their life has changed so much. I don't really hate this, but it takes me a bit to get my bearings on who is talking and if I know who it is. So that does get a bit confusing. An example of that is Theon and Arya's chapters

I also feel like at this point  I am a little tired of this war. The main players have died pretty much and it seems like most don't care who wins anymore as long as they get what's theirs. I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I do. I hope the next book moves things along for me.

My Rating: