Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 TBR Pile Challenge Has Started

If you remember earlier in December... I think it was December, possibly could have been November, I posted about this challenge. All this year I am going to read books I have been meaning to read or were published in 2011 and further. This shouldn't be too hard since, I have tons of books waiting to be read and many more added to my list on GoodReads.

So my first book for this challenge is The Death Cure by James Dashner. It was published in 2011 and I have been wanting to read it since I read the first book, The Maze Runner. After that, since I have almost done with it already, I plan on reading the book my boyfriend got me for Christmas which is Black Mass, all about the Irish Mob and the FBI. I followed the story about Whitey Bulger being arrested due to going to Boston in September and was interesting in it since I study criminal justice.

After that, who knows what I will be reading, probably Uglies and Divergent to continue with the Dystopian theme I have been going with.

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