Monday, February 26, 2018

2017 Review for Reading

Yes, I know this is a little late, but I just discovered that GoodReads has a year in books for you. I think it's pretty interesting to view.

 Img bookstack 20

I read 6,266 pages across 18 books, my goal was 25 books. 
My shortest book was Saga Vol. 3 and my longest book was Voyager. 

I think it's good to look back through the year and see what you have read. 

This year I have really been slacking reading. Just so much to do and I have a hard time fitting reading it. I think I have 3 books that I've started, but no where near finishing them. I barely meet my reading goals. This year I bumped down my reading goal to 15 books. I can change that later it need be, but I do want to read more books. 

I am working on some things to hopefully keep this blog up and running again. Life just keeps getting in the way. 

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