Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Voyager (Outlander #3) by Diana Gabaldon Book Review

Title: Voyager (Outlander #3)
Author: Diana Gabaldon
Format: Kindle
Pages: 1072
Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Dell
GoodReads  Amazon

Synopsis: Their passionate encounter happened long ago by whatever measurement Claire Randall took. Two decades before, she had traveled back in time and into the arms of a gallant eighteenth-century Scot named Jamie Fraser. Then she returned to her own century to bear his child, believing him dead in the tragic battle of Culloden. Yet his memory has never lessened its hold on her... and her body still cries out for him in her dreams.

Then Claire discovers that Jamie survived. Torn between returning to him and staying with their daughter in her own era, Claire must choose her destiny. And as time and space come full circle, she must find the courage to face the passion and pain awaiting her...the deadly intrigues raging in a divided Scotland... and the daring voyage into the dark unknown that can reunite—or forever doom—her timeless love. (Taken from Goodreads)

Review:I shook so that it was some time before I realized that he was shaking too, and for the same reason. I don't know how long we sat there on the dusty floor, crying in each other's arms with the longing of twenty years spilling down our faces.” This quote I think says so much about this book. I really enjoyed seeing Claire’s life after she went back to her time and how Jamie spent his. 

I honestly didn’t think I was going to like this series. I’m not one for romance but this series has won me over. I love the idea of the time travel and how torn our main character must feel between her two lives. She is forever being pulled between the two. She has to make a decision again to stay in her own time or go back to Jamie.

I think this book flows very nicely and builds up to the moment we’ve been waiting for. Claire and Jamie reuniting. Of course, we find out that life was not easy and threw many challenges for both of our lovers and having to learn to forgive each other for those weaknesses.

This is honestly where I had to put this book in time out. Once we learn who Jamie married while the two were apart I literally had to turn off my kindle and did not pick up this book again for several weeks. I was so mad at Jamie. How could he do that? Even if Claire was in her time and all. It didn’t make it right. Once I was over being mad I picked my kindle back up a finished the book pretty quick. The books in this series are pretty long. It’s taken me months to finish one of them with casual reading.

I think this book and series are ones that people who love romance, suspense, and some histocial fiction. It does a nice job pulling you into the story and characters. You start to feel like you have a connection or stake in their lives. 

Rating: 5 Stars

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