Friday, March 18, 2016

The Girl in the Spider's Web

I am sure I am not the only one who got excited to see a continuation for the Millennium series. I read the trilogy as quickly as I could and was sadden to see there were no more books because the author had passed away. I was happy to see that someone else decided to write a new book to continue the story along.

Title: The Girl in the Spider's Wed
Author: David Lagercrantz
Publisher: Alfred Knopf Publishing
Copy: Hardcopy
Pages: 400

Synopsis: Late one night, Blomkvist receives a phone call from a source claiming to have information vital to the United States. The source has been in contact with a young female superhacker—a hacker resembling someone Blomkvist knows all too well. The implications are staggering. Blomkvist, in desperate need of a scoop for Millennium, turns to Salander for help. She, as usual, has her own agenda. The secret they are both chasing is at the center of a tangled web of spies, cybercriminals, and governments around the world, and someone is prepared to kill to protect it . . .  (From Amazon)

Review: I am not sure if I loved this book because I was excited to see a new book from the series or if I really loved the book. I enjoyed the book regardless of what the real reason is for that. It was a fast read and I really enjoyed the story. If you loved the books by the original author I think you will enjoy this one as well. I know not everyone has, but I think it's worth your time. 

My Rating: 

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