Monday, August 12, 2013

Re-Reding the Hunger Games

I finally decided to leave all my other books I have on my TBR pile and just re-read the Hunger Games series. I'm starting to get anxious for November for Catching Fire to come out in theater. When I saw the trailer I knew rather than wait till after I saw the movie like I mentioned with The Hunger Games, which never happened by the way. 

I already feel like I've forgotten so much about Catching Fire based on what was shown in the trailer. I'm half way through the first book and hope to start Catching Fire in the next day or two. 

Things I wonder for the movie:
- will katniss be pregnant in the movie?
- will the allies be the same?
- will we see up to where the game ends or will the ending be different?

Just some things I'm curious to see if they keep in the movie. 

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