This is a weekly meme by the Broke and the Bookish. So I think this for me should really be if a disaster took my house. I don't believe in aliens, yes I love the paranormal, but I don't do aliens. I don't know why, I just never have. I hardly even watch movies about them. Yes, this means I've never seen the Alien movies.
These books are my favorites and if they were lost I could replace them, but I wouldn't want to.
10. My complete works of Edgar Alan Poe. I haven't touched the book in ages and my dog decided to chew it after I first got it, but I still love the book and the hardbound of it is just beautiful.
9. The Historian. I bought this in hardback. I waited a long time to buy it and for it to be cheaper, but I finally caved in and bought it. So I loose it I would hate for that to happen. I think it could be hard to find it in hardback. I actually lost the dust cover for it so it stands out.
8. The Book Theif. I have the UK version of the book and I LOVE the cover. If I lost it I would hate to spend money buying it from some overseas store just to have this cover. I don't like the US cover with the dominoes and it just doesn't fit with the book. The UK one is simple and beautiful.
7. My Moleskin Journals. I have two, but one of them I have been able to use and kept for about 5 years now. I love it and it has a lot of diary entries and other information that if I lost I would be upset. I don't really go through it, but to loose it would be a slight heartache.
6. The Maze Runner series. So this is three books, but still I enjoyed them and I would hate to loose them. I loved them so much and I would hate to have to replace them.
5. Uglies. My secrete santa gave it to me and since I loved the book and she took the time to get it for me I would hate to loose it.
4. The Giver. This is one of my favorite books and while it would be easy to replace, this copy I have owned since I read it in 4th grade.
3. My American Girl Felicity kit. I loved these books a a girl and I have this kit with paper dolls, a cookbooks and something else. They are hard to find these days and I would hate to loose it.
2. Goodnight Moon. I bought this book for my son because I loved it so much as a little girl. I would hate to loose it since it was something I got for him to enjoy.
1. My Kindle. Yes I know this is not an actual book, but I have some good books on it as well as getting the Arizona Republic subscription. If I lost it I guess it's possible to get the books on a new one, but I don't really like the new models of the Kindle.
A decent list I would say. Let me know what is on your list.
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