Monday, February 20, 2012

Fallen Review

This book I have seen at the bookstore and the name of the book caught me attention. Come on the book and the series is my nickname, how could I not read it? I wasn't sure actually if I would enjoy the book. This genre is a hit or miss for me. Also, since it deals with the supernatural and angels I wasn't sure I would like it. I like the show Supernatural, but lost interesting when the whole, Heave, Hell and angels became apart of the show. Maybe it's my Catholic upbringing that makes me shy away from the topic.

Synopsis: Seventeen-Year-Old Luce is a new student at Sword & Cross, an unwelcoming boarding/reform school in Savannah, Georgia. Luce’s boyfriend died under suspicious circumstances, and now she carries the guilt over his death with her as she navigates the unfriendly halls at Sword & Cross, where every student seems to have an unpleasant—even evil—history.

It’s only when she sees Daniel, a gorgeous fellow student, that Luce feels there’s a reason to be here—though she doesn’t know what it is. And Daniel’s frosty cold demeanor toward her? It’s really a protective device that he’s used again . . . and again. For Daniel is a fallen angel, doomed to fall in love with the same girl every 17 years . . . and watch her die. And Luce is a fellow immortal, cursed to be reincarnated again and again as a mortal girl who has no idea of who she really is. (taken from GoodReads) .

Review: I did enjoy this book.  It was a nice pace for events and I was right there with Luce trying to figure out what was going on. Nothing was too over the top or vague. This kind of book is written for teens and I am far from a teenager. I never know how I am going to like a book like this. We all know how I feel about Twilight. I think this book is great for those who enjoy supernatural genre, but aren't keen on books like Twilight. 

I gave this book 4 stars because while I really enjoyed it and want to finish the series, I wish a little more information was given about the angels like Cam and Daniel. They have two chapters of his narrative and it was lacking in any information other than his love for Luce.  I hope the other books do explain all the details because that is what having me hang on. 

My Rating:

1 comment:

  1. I love this book too. I got to meet Lauren at a signing, she's really sweet and totally down to earth.
    Torment gives us more information on Luce and Daniel and then Passion is the prequel to Fallen, we get to see their past lives and we learn a bit more as well. Fallen in Love is just short stories, I was let down I wanted more, but Rapture is just a few months away.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of the series!
