Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Working on books

Well soon I should be finally done with two books. I keep reading Game of Thrones and then putting it down because of how long it's taking me to progress. 

I'm almost done with a book called The Burn which is a dystopian book which is pretty good so far. I believe I'm about 75% through it and it's a fast read. I'llbe reviewing   that one soon.

The other book that I'm reading and I'm about 52% through called The Monuments Men. It's a nonfiction book about the men and woman who during WWII tried to save and find artwork and other cultural items from the Nazis. I have seen the movie yet because I wanted to finish the book first.

Also novel ideas for nanowrimo are coming in. Actually they're just novel ideas that I can use to try actually finish a novel. Who knows if I'll get it done but today it's been on my mind

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