Sunday, May 19, 2013

Why I've Been MIA

Not sure how many followers I still have here, but here's why you haven't heard much from me lately. I was busy trying to finish my last history research class so I could FINALLY graduate. Which in case you were wondering I graduated. With help from a friend at work I got a B in my class. I'm sure if she didn't help me edit my paper (writing is not my thing when it comes to school) I probably would have just barely passed or failed and have to take it again. I went to graduation last week and while I wasn't thrilled with going through the ceremony, it's boring especially when you know no one there, I am glad I went through it.

A good movie
Because of all the time I was putting into that class I had no time for fun reading. I have started a few books and finish very few. I hoped to have a few of the books I had started, but never finished one. That didn't happen I still have 3 I think to finish as well as the book I just started to read, I Am Legend, which I have been told is more like the Vincent Price movie, The Last Man on Earth instead of the Will Smith version I Am Legend. I'm a huge horror fan and Vincent Price fan so I decide to read the book, which I received this Christmas from a holiday book swap on GoodReads!

I hope to also get some actual reading down now that school is finally over and while I'll be busy at work with summer camp, I should had time to read. Well as a mom you try to find as much time to read as possible. I'm still doing the TBR Challenge, but due to no reading I haven't been doing the recaps or anything. I should get on that. I also haven't done any memes or anything to at least keep things going and I'm sorry for that, but it's hard to do things when I have no time for anything. So if you see nothing from me from now until July come yell at me. It means I have gotten lazy or forgotten what I promised I would do.

So hopefully I'll have some reviews up here even if I don't do them on the youtube channel!

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